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Qigong Point Massage to help You Poop

constipation digestion emotional stress poop stress Jun 04, 2022

There are specific acupuncture points along our body that assist flow in every part of our body. And today I'd like to share with you a wonderful meridian point called Stomach 34 or Liangqiu (translates to "Beam Mound"). 

Stomach 34 meridian point is specific for harmonizing the stomach, activates meridian flow, stops paint and helps relieve acute conditions.

This point also helps if you have a stomach ache that's causing indigestion or acid reflux, because it brings the energy down (or moves the energy flow in your body into the correct directional flow for digestion). 

Massaging downward...

When we gently massage this point (especially in a downward motion), it begins to stimulate movement and can be a great helper in getting the bowels to move.

Pooping is absolutely essential for great health so we can remove toxins and waste from our body regularly. So when we have constipation or digestive troubles due to eating non-supportive foods, drinks, and/or emotional stress, irregular bowel movements can happen. And it's very important to get things moving... Not to mention what a better mood we'll be in after we release what's keeping us stopped up!  


When to do this practice?

You can do this practice alone, or following the "Qigong Large Intestine Massage for Gas, Bloating & Constipation Practice"  Both of these practices are great alone or together. Practice daily, or as needed - especially in the morning and afternoon.

Much love,

Dr. Maria



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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.