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The Art Of Tuning In STUDIO

"The more I do the Qigong, the more I do the clearing - the more crystal clear my intuition comes through." | Diane

“Whether it's one-to-one or in a group, Maria you are the best in holding sacred space for others and providing them with all the information and support they need. I'm loving this studio!" | Karen

A studio for women who want to learn how to cultivate their internal energy AND expand into their intuitive gifts!

Learn more & join today!

Soul Coaching Private Series

When we are aligned in our soul's purpose, we're able to offer our greatest gifts to the world.

“I’ve worked with Maria remotely from NY and have seen her in person.  I can’t say enough about her intuitive accurateness.  She’s spot on! Maria’s work is the real deal.  If you’re looking to make a change, you’ve come to the right place!  But, honestly, it doesn’t matter where you are; if your intent is true...  She will meet you there!" | Mam Smith, New York, NY | Cirque Du Soleil Acrobat, Choreographer & Professional Stuntwoman

Dr. Maria's coaching style helps support you to integrate the tools and skills needed to craft your high functioning life.

Learn more about Private Coaching

Soulful 6 (guided visualizations) Series

The Soulful 6 Series™

A guided visualization audio series with gorgeous music to support energy clearing, restful sleep and soul healing.

"I would consider myself a guided meditation snob; I notice any and every hiccup on meditations. Those hiccups tend to take me out of the flow.  This meditation is magical. It flows really well. The accompaniment is brilliant and takes you through the meditation smoothly and effortlessly.  It is now my favorite of all time. I will be sharing it with friend and family and would recommend it to anyone that needs 18 minutes of zen and to come into a peaceful alignment." | Angie Las Vegas, NV

Allow this beautiful audio series to become a daily practice, or a touchstone of support, whenever you need them.

Listen to samples & purchase today!

A Free Offering...

Holding Space™

(Totally FREE Offering) 

Join me LIVE in this weekly guided free meditation and relaxation offering. Or, enjoy the recordings.

"This meditation felt really different to me. And I felt like I was receiving a profound teaching. Thank you."  | Holding Space Member 2024

Join Holding Space