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About My Training & Journey...

A brief view into my training journey...


Martial Arts / Meditation Training...

Age 12 was when I began my journey into the martial and energetic arts and it's always felt like "home" to me. 

For as long as I can remember I've been attracted to experiencing how energy moves within us and in every aspect of our lives.

In my martial and energetic training I learned to experience how having a physical foundation supports our mental, and emotional energy. How alignment, breath and focus is key to accessing our internal power.

When I was 18 and 21, I received my 1st degree black belt and second degree black belt in TaeKwon Do, under Grand Master David Chaanine.

Little did I know the next several years of my life would begin a completely new journey in understanding how my body and emotions impacted pain...

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Maria Furlano at beach practicing martial arts
> All the ways we can work together

Eastern Energetic and Medical Training...

A back injury in my 20's (completely unrelated to martial arts) was a wake up call for deeper personal healing. I could not practice martial arts, or move my body (as a second degree black belt) in any of the ways I had in the past.

After several tests and doctors telling me "they believed I was telling the truth about my pain," but there was nothing they could really do to help me, except give me pain killers.... I realized I had to move in a different direction.

2 1/2 years later and still dealing with daily pain, I began studying everything I could about my body and emotional energy. When I began practicing daily Qigong, within 2 weeks I woke up without pain and I was stunned. 

Through working with medical Qigong and medical Qigong therapy, I also connected the dots of the resentment I was holding in my body, not only from the injury, but from years of suppressing who I truly was.

I experienced how my emotions directly impacted my body, and how my pain came back whenever I ignored what I needed to express.

My travels to China allowed me to interact with Qigong masters and their healing skills. This had such a deep impact on how I experienced energy, that I went to Yo San University and Emperor's College where I received my masters degree as a Physician of Chinese medicine (MTOM) and Acupuncture (L.Ac.) in 2005.

Then I continued my path in medical Qigong training for the next 7 years under Dr. Bernard Shannon at The International College Of Medical Qigong. Including 3 years assistant teaching with Dr. Shannon.

In 2012 receiving the title of Dctor of medical Qigong (DMQ, China) , upon completion of medical Qigong Dissertation:  Reduction of Asthma rescue inhalers using medical Qigong prescription exercises.

I have always been highly intuitive and often felt the effects of energetic overwhelm in my body, which allowed my journey to move into a new phase of spiritual cultivation...

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> All the ways we can work together!

Spiritual Cultivation... 

As a professional energetic and spiritual intuitive (using the skills of clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience and claircognizance), I'm able to tune in to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels (aka: frequencies) with my clients and students, in order to get to root issues more quickly. This allows healing to shift on deeper levels. 

I've always been highly attuned to energy, but during my adolescence and early 20's, I became overwhelmed energetically with what I was "picking up." I often felt ill, depleted and moody, but had no idea why? 

If you experience this kind of "energetic overwhelm" as well, you may notice that others often feel great after being around you, but you may feel great.

A beautiful aspect of energetic and spiritual cultivation, is learning how to clear and re-tune your energy to support your energetic gifts, instead of feeling drained by them.

When we're able to care for our daily energy and tune in to our soul's purpose, we're able to offer our greatest gifts to the world.

Thank you for being here!

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Maria Furlano meditation
> All the ways we can work together!

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Maria Furlano is a Doctor of medical Qigong (DMQ China), physician of Chinese medicine/Acupuncture (MTOM, L.Ac.) and an energetic and spiritual intuitive, and has been teaching energetic arts for 25+ years. Dr. Maria is the founder of The Art Of Tuning In, LLC and she is the host of The Art Of Tuning In Podcast.

Energy Insights

Throughout the month I share energy insights that focus on energetic well-being, medical Qigong, meditation, raising your frequency and expanding intuition.

Beginning with access to my 4 min. "Root the Mind" guided practice.

I'd love to share them with you!

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