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Why is your breath your greatest Qi builder?

breathing Oct 14, 2022

Let's talk about why your breath is your greatest Qi builder as you learn how to focus your mind and breath with intention to work together. 

Why is your breath your greatest Qi Builder?

Audio transcript | Maria Furlano

Our breath is really determined by our diaphragm muscle and our diaphragm muscle, comes in underneath our ribcage and all the way around. And that muscle can be weak from people who aren't used to breathing well and strong. But it can also be just very tight. And people are used to holding their breath. And they're used to protecting their root Chakra, and their solar plexus Chakra. And that can actually block the energy of the diaphragm. And people can be in a holding pattern of stress, a holding pattern to protect. And their breath actually doesn't move much because they're always ready, always ready to react to protect themselves. So it can be a physical thing.

And so when you do the Qigong, and you check your breath at the end, like what we're saying here is, after her breath settled, it got better. That's really great, because now you actually know, you can breathe that way. You're functioning, you're working, it's just that you might be turning that off most of your day, if that's not happening from posture, from muscle, or from stress. So that's really good.

Your inhale is reflecting the ability of your kidney energy, being able to grasp the Qi of the inhale. So what that means is that when we do cultivating exercises and Qi gong breath is everything. And as we inhale, we bring in lifeforce. Okay, your inhalation brings in lifeforce and that lifeforce, if we know what we're doing, which you do, you bring it in, and I've talked to you about your lower Dantian. Right, this all this part in here is like a singing bowl. I picture a singing bowl, but it's really like a bowl. I just like seeing bowls. It's like a bowl and it collects the energy, and it holds it, it's your storehouse.

And so when we bring in lifeforce, and we understand that as we bring it in through our nose, and we allow that lifeforce to drop in, it's like we're watering ourselves, or we're sending food down, but we're sending Qi down, and it sets and then it holds. And then as we exhale, we let go of anything we don't need, but we don't bring that back up out of ourselves. Okay, so that's a tonification, where we're, we're building ourselves. And as we as that lower don t n begins to cultivate and build and build and build. It's like a cup of water that's filling up and it fills. And this is what you use, and I use every day of our life. This is our battery. So we just want to tap into the top of it so that we still have all this in the bottom, then we refill it. If we can overflow it, we want to just use the overflow and never tap into this. That's the goal.

As you breathe in, what that's telling you, is your kidney energy, is this battery strong enough and connected enough and you connect it through your brain. So this is where this brain work starts to work in. Is it connected enough for you to understand the intention to bring in lifeforce and let that kidney energy grasp the Qi. That's what that means that it's grasping the Qi and it's holding it.

So when we exhale, that is showing the strength of our lung Qi. So if we have a hard time, exhaling or our exhale is really short, it's just showing that we want to build up our lung energy. That's all. It's not a big deal, we can do that. And again, if we inhale and we feel like (gasping sound) or we exhale (gasping sound), that's generally emotional, a or sometimes you'll hear the lungs change in someone's voice, you'll hear the tone of their voice change. You can also hear - in Chinese Medicine, as we learn the sound of someone's voice so we can tell an Oregon that's out of balance by the tone of their voice, and a liver energy that's full in an unbalanced way. Almost sounds like someone is shouting. Like every word that comes out is like a shout. And their voice usually is loud, too. It's a tone and it's it's a sharp tone.

Someone who, for example, who has very weak lung Qi, their voice can sound very wispy, and this is how they talk because there's no lung Qi.

Someone who has a kidney energy that is out of balance can sound very whiny. They have a whiny tone to their voice and I wish I could be like a mimic and do all this stuff for you. Because it's really fascinating when you're listening to people.

The reason why I share this with you is because the breath is one of the fastest ways to improve your Qi. And so if we pay attention to the breath, because posture, breath and intention are the three most important things and Qigong, we pay attention to how we use our breath and how we bring our breath in. You can do that for yourself all during the day. So go ahead and sit back...

Thank you for joining me today!

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Much love,

Dr. Maria

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