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Emotional and Physical Heat | Quick Insights [1 min]

anxiety relief grounding overheated Sep 05, 2024

We just finished Holding Space and our theme today was "heat." Emotional heat and temperature heat and I just want to share with you today a really quick tip today that I hope will help you if you're dealing with either one of those.

When it gets hot our body tries to disperse heat and that's a good thing. Everything opens up and tries to go. But it also means that our energy can rise.

When we get emotionally hot, meaning, angry, frustrated, nervous, anxious... Our energy in our body also begins to rise and when that happens the best we can help ourselves is to learn how to ground our energy.

And you can learn how to do that by focusing your breath into your belly. I teach people to breathe into their hips (Holding Space and the Tuning In Studio), breathe into the earth. 

Making sure your mind is going down into the earth.

Put your feet into the earth. Put your feet into water and let your energy go down.

Have an amazing day!


Dr. Maria

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The Art Of Tuning In Studio


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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.