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A time for energy transition Autumn equinox

autumn equinox fall Sep 22, 2022

September 22, 2022

It's a time for energy transition and a very happy Autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere🍁

And a glorious beginning of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere!

When we have seasonal transitions it's a wonderful time to tune into what you're feeling.

A gentle reminder that in our fast moving culture we tend to keep going, no matter what - and part of remaining tuned into your energetic well-being is to listen deeply to nature and the shifts that happen. 

If you're experiencing the shift into Autumn, it's great to pay attention to how the energy is now just starting to quiet, and stabilizing itself as it gets ready to move internal and deeper within when we reach the winter. 

If you're experiencing shifting info spring, you may notice more of an upward and outward movement of energy and excitement for growth.

Today I noticed a shift as I began to reach for more cozy cloths and a need to comfort my neck and back. These are areas on the body that can be exposed to the shifting of wind and temperatures and it's a great idea to have extra layers (and a scarf of course 😊) with you during transitional times. Especially since this is a time still of extreme heat for some places, but you may notice the afternoon and evenings begin to drop in temperature more quickly... You can support your immune and energy system by taking good care of these temperature fluxations in your own body.

This is also the time when we shift our Qigong practices to focus more on supporting the lung energy and our adrenals (kidneys). These are the organ systems that can become more vulnerable in the autumn and winter, so we strongly support their energy through specific practices, so they can support us right back!

If you're not yet part of the Studio Membership, please remember I also have an autumn practice series on my YouTube channel "Qigong for health playlist"

Wishing you abundance, joy and blessings in this beautiful shift of sessions! 

Thank you for being exactly who you are.

Much love,

Dr. Maria 

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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.