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Here's something you can do when feeling stressed or overwhelmed | Maria Furlano

anxiety anxious liver overhwelm May 17, 2022


"What are the things that I can do right away when I'm feeling that stress or that overwhelm?

One of the things that we do in Chinese Medicine and in Medical Qigong is to move so that our brain and body and emotions can release and align.

Transcript | Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, L.Ac.

"What are the things that I can do right away when I'm feeling that stress or that overwhelm? This was a great question that came in, and I wanted to answer it today.

Welcome to Q & A. I'm Maria Furlano, The Art Of Tuning In, it's great to have you here. So what can you do when you're feeling that anxiety that overwhelm you know, those feelings that start to come up and your brain just starts to keep going over things?

Well, one of the things that we do in Chinese Medicine and in Medical Qigong is we make sure that we are moving, when we are thinking about a problem, an issue, something that we're needing to work out.
In fact, it's even suggested that with relationships, a couple take a walk, while they're discussing what they need to do. That walking and moving the energy is really important while you're moving through these things.


And the reason is because in Medical Qigong, the liver energy is where we have our stress. It's where we get very frustrated, and the overwhelm begins. And when we move the energy of the body, when we get the blood moving, when we get that energy moving, right, that Qi moving, it begins to calm, the liver, it begins to release that energy that's building up from the stress, the worry, the fear, all of that stuff that's coming up like this.
And when we start to release that, it's like releasing a valve or taking the top off of a steaming kettle, you know, all that pressure... We start to move, we start to release, maybe you start to sweat, you work out, or even just stretching, really deep breathing, that gets the energy moving in the body.

When the energy starts moving in the body, our brain sees things in a different way. Our heart sees things in a different way, we're able to connect and tune in, in a different way.

Thinking through it is hard, until we move...

So sometimes when we're dealing with something that's really tough, and we just try to think our way through it, it's really hard. So I suggest to people all the time, get out, move, take a walk, take deep breaths, do some Yoga, but get that breath moving. Move your body in all kinds of different ways. Put on some music, distract your mind, get yourself in a different flow. And then allow yourself to receive the answers that will help you with whatever it is you're dealing with. This is of course, what you're dealing with alone, or if you're dealing with in a relationship.

I hope that helps. Great, great, great question. Keep them coming. Have a beautiful day and I wish you peace, joy and ease of flow. Talk to you soon. Bye for now."

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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.