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2023 Happy New Year of the Black Water Rabbit

2023 Lunar New Year Black Water Rabbit

2023 chinese new year lunar new year rabbit Jan 20, 2023

Welcome to 2023 lunar new year 🧧

XÄ«nnián hÇŽo! ("New Year Goodness")


2022 was the year of the black water Tiger, which held the energy of action, change, breaking down barriers, strength and growth... 


And on Jan 22 (January 22, 2023 - February 9, 2024) we move into the welcoming and more gentle year of the Black Water Rabbit, that holds new energy of peace, healing, financial prosperity and artistic expression.


Why is it called "Black Water"?

The five elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and wood are represented in Chinese Astrology and each year the moves through a different element.  This year, 2023 is called the "Black Water Rabbit" because the water element is yin and the color it's associated with is black.  The element of water and yin are strong for gaining inner tranquility, intuitive knowing and emotional sensitivity. 


Traits of the Rabbit energy...

The Rabbit is an intelligent, quick and gentle animal who is cunning and navigates quickly in life.  Some of the personality traits used to describe people born under the Rabbit zodiac are often witty, quick-minded, ingenious, vigilant, kind-hearted and polite, gentle, able to adjust quickly to new situations.  They are graceful and diplomatic and full of energy.  However alone time to recharge is essential to refill and sustain their energy.


Some other traits of the Rabbit are nervousness and anxiety and they always know their escape route.  Because Rabbit people really dislike confrontation, learning how to stand in their power and communicate their wants, needs and opinions can be a bit challenging at times.


A time for peace...

However this year is a time to feel more peaceful. Being kind (Rabbit) and flowing (water) with what is needed and moving into and through situations with gentleness, will move us into a heart centered space creating a ripple affect in our world.


The Chinese zodiac is a 12 year cycle with each year being a different animal and element. The Rabbit is the 4th animal sign in the Chinese zodiac.

  • The order of the 12 zodiac animals are:  (1)Rat, (2)Ox, (3)Tiger, (4)Rabbit, (5)Dragon, (6)Snake, (7)Horse, (8)Goat, (9)Monkey, (10)Rooster, (11)Dog and (12)Pig


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The Rabbit does not like confrontation and prefers peace.  Rabbits are also said to be the "luckiest" of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac and because of this it is said this year has great potential for prosperity, calm and hope.


This year is just such a wonderful opportunity for gentleness, which the Rabbit embodies, and moving through our own life with greater grace and ease.  Of course, this is a phenomenal time to reset your nervous system with Qigong, meditation, visualizations, creative writing, painting, crafts, pottery, music and creativity of all kinds.


Water being yin in nature has the ability to softly move through any space, and at the same time is the most powerful of the elements, because it can also erode the hardest of surfaces.  However in Chinese astrology water also represents longevity and peace.


Water is also a symbol abundant with emotional energy.  Rabbits are attracted to quality, rather than quantity and a great reminder to continue to be very clear about the people, situations and material items that no longer serve your life.  As you release what does not support you fully, you allow space to open the door and step into a more abundant, tranquil spiritual and physical life.


This is a great year to focus on bringing as much tranquility, comfort and beauty into your life as you can.  Enjoy the moments that life brings you. Don't wait for everything to be perfect, instead practice taking in the true beauty that is all around us. See the gentleness and the kindness in all.


What's your Chinese Animal and corresponding element?

  • I've included a chart at the bottom of this post, so you can find your Chinese animal (depending on your birth year) and the element it corresponds to. Enjoy! And feel free to share it with your friends.


XÄ«nnián kuàilè (Happy Chinese New Year)!!!🧧 


Thank you for being here and for being exactly who you are! 

Lot's of love,

Dr. Maria

What is your animal and element? 
See your birth year, animal and element below👇🏼

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