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Seated Qigong Practice | Return to Source

adrenals nourish kidneys qigong exercise qigong practice return to source Jun 26, 2023

Our goal today is to focus on anchoring the breath and nourishing our adrenal energy. By default when we anchor our breath and nourish our adrenal energy, our mind is also nourished.

When our mind is nourished, it also relaxes.  When we're able to bring ourselves into our center, we're able to be present in each moment. 

As a side note, there were amazing singing birds who showed up during this practice and what a joy to be fully present in the moment to listen! I hope you enjoy them too!

Learning to breathe low in our body, allows tension along with high breathing to be released from our chest, throat and shoulders.

For years I have encouraged my students to breathe into their hips and I've found they experience much better connection. Learning how to anchor our breathing into our "hips" (which easily moves our awareness into belly breathing), creates an almost instant feeling of being present in our body. It's a skill to relieving the "monkey mind" and practice being "here" in each moment.


Today I'm sharing a simple seated practice, which is a modification of a traditional standing medical Qigong exercise called "Return to Source." 

Please use this practice daily and/or anytime you're wanting to move out of a reactive mental state and into greater peace and wisdom. 


3 most important elements in Qigong... 

  1. Posture
  2. Breath
  3. Intention

Intention is how we focus our mind. In this practice you'll hear me describe sitting in a beautiful pool of water. It's even better if you can see the color of the water, and feel the temperature of the water. All of this visualization add to your body's ability to take in this beautifull energy. 

  • Intention (aka focus):  The adrenals sit on top of your Kidneys. In medical Qigong and traditional Chinese medicine the element of the Kidneys is water and the color element is a very dark blue. But for this practice it's OK to visualize a blue that you love. A blue that makes you feel wonderful and nourished. Visualize (and feel) the perfect water temperature. I can't emphasize enough the importance of visualizing these details and the powerful response you'll receive from your body. 
  • The breath moves your energy (Qi) and so your breathing is your superpower. Breathing through the nose is part of energy cultivation. Long, even breathing helps to regulate energy in the body.
  • If your posture is not aligned, your diaphragm (muscle of breathing) simple can't move well. Just like a hose, we want our energy rivers (energy meridians, chakras, vessels, bones, etc) to be long and expanded so there can be efficient and maximum energy flow.


When we learn how to combine these 3 elements it's the basis of learning how to shift our frequency whenever we choose. 

I hope this simple Qigong exercise supports you today.

Be kind to yourself this week and thank you for being exactly who you are.


Lot's of love,

Dr. Maria


P.S.  I'd love if you would leave me a comment, or a question on > YouTube.




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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.