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Thing in ... Appreciating just this moment

Appreciating just this moment

intuition meditation silence Mar 01, 2024

I was looking outside today as it's drizzling and I felt my body automatically take a really deep and full breath and instead of "thinking" I felt how the air moved into my body. It felt like for just a moment everything paused.

Smelling the rain, the dampening trees and grass and the beautiful blooming sweet pea flowers in front of me...

There was such a magnificent stillness in the air and I thought about how much I appreciated just being able to stand there and do nothing.

It reminded me of the multiple layers of stillness and silence that we often take for granted.

Silence isn't just about being quiet and no sound, it's so much more than that.

For example, you can move into silence when you're listening to music. Your being moves into rhythm with the sound, but the silence is about letting go of the "extra noise" we carry around with us.

For me, silence isn't only a space of emptiness and rest, but it's also a state of deep, deep listening on a level that can only be accessed by removing all the static around me. 

Learning how to access and then hold this state of letting go and "silence" is what's needed to access the intuitive gifts we all hold. 

And from that place I find such fantastic creativity is born. An authentic creativity because it's coming from an authentic place within me. The quiet space.

So my theme today is appreciating this moment in time and listening more deeply into the silence.

Do you have a theme for you day? Something you're choosing to tune into just for you?

Wishing you a magnificient first day of March.

Lots of love,

Dr. Maria  

P.S.  In my latest podcast (ep. 89) I share about my experience with the power of silence and the 3 aspects that are most important about creating that space for yourself. I hope you enjoy this episode on The Art Of Tuning In Podcast and I wish you a beautifully tuned in day.

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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.