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A brief overview of Qigong

chi chinese medicine overview qi qi gong qigong Jan 07, 2022

It's been said that when you practice Qìgōng, it's like giving yourself an acupuncture treatment (but without the needles). The goal of practicing Qì Gōng is to release energy blockages and to strengthen and regulate (or harmonize) the bioenergetic imbalances in the body.

A Brief Overview...

Qì Gōng is a healing art consisting of tools to clear, strengthen and regulate the energy flow in our body to expand our physical health, our emotional well-being and cultivate our spiritual connection.

The goal of practicing Qì Gōng is actually to release energy blockages, to strengthen and regulate (or harmonize) the bioenergetic imbalances in the body.

This is done by freeing the stagnant energy that builds up in the body (emotional energy and then translating to physical energy) and allowing the body to be in harmony. When we open the body, we allow our own immune system to be fully operational. When we release tension, stress and emotional imbalances, our nervous system and the regulation of our hormones is able to flow freely on a daily basis.

All of this allows our thinking to be clearer and our energy to be more consistent and relaxed. But through the relaxation we begin to feel, we also begin to have more energy to give each day because we're not draining it through the emotional and physical stress we've been used to carrying around with us.

From at least 5,000 years ago Chinese archeologists and historians have found references, consisting of drawings of people moving in various poses that depicted animal movements. These movements consisted of stretching and moving the body in many different ways that activated "Qì" (energy), muscle, tendon, breath, and blood flow.

The first name for qìgōng was actually dǎo yǐn, which translates to "leading and guiding the energy." Including exercises that focus on breathing, stretching and self massage for health.

  • The main goal of dǎo yǐn is to create flexibility of the mind, which then creates harmony between our internal and external environments. When we're able to create that harmony, our energy is able to replenish and rejuvenate the body and a healthy spirit.
  • The first concept of qì (vital energy) was recorded around 1122 B.C. in The Book Of Change (I Ching). This book studied the relationship between heaven (or universal energy), the earth and human.
  • Expanding our breathing and expanding our life force was influenced by Lao Tzu (around 450 B.C.) who is considered the founder of Taoism. Lao Tzu wrote the Dao De Jing and spoke about how when we breathe, that breath can be used to root our energy, as well as elevate our vital qì. This interest in breathing and our life force energy became part of key concepts of Chinese medicine.


Qì Gōng is an essential pillar of Chinese medicine and actually it's been said that when you practice Qìgōng, it's like giving yourself an acupuncture treatment.

  • This is because Qì Gōng works with the energy meridian flow, the organ system, lymphatic system and the blood circulation of the body. So there is lasting affect on the body, as there is with Acupuncture. 

The Chinese character "Qì" means energy, or vital life force.

The Chinese character "Gōng" means skill, cultivation, work.

Qi Gong translates to “Energy Cultivation or Skill”


Various Qi Gong practices...

Health Qì Gōng exercises are for maintaining general well-being. They consist of practices including postural alignment, breathing practices, mental focus practices, movement, meditation and sound practices. Health Qi Gong is what this series consists of.

Medical Qì Gōng prescription exercises are used for specific diagnosed conditions and treats with prescribed medical qigong exercises. Through specific targeted movements to clear, regulate and strengthen organ systems and enhance energetic flow in the meridians, lymphatic pumping, fascial engagement, stretching and blood circulation assist in healing, while relaxing the nervous system and enhancing the immunity of the body.

Medical Qì Gōng Therapy is an energy treatment modality to clear and restore a clients energy fields and internal energy flow. The Qi Gong Doctor treats blockages in the body in a similar way that an Acupuncturist does, except with energetic skill. This is done by a trained medical Qi Gong Doctor in person, or through distance sessions.

Martial or sport Qì Gōng is using more dynamic forms of qigong training to enhance the needs and demands of martial artists and athletes.

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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.