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How do you find the right answer?

decision numb overwhelm stress Apr 26, 2022

When people are dealing with a lot of stress, changes, and information coming at them from all over the place, we can begin to numb out, or over protect ourselves because we're totally overwhelmed.

When it comes time to make decisions we're not tuned into our true wisdom and supporting  our unique path

Video Transcript | Maria Furlano

Hello, everyone, welcome to The Art of tuning in. I'm Maria Furlano. Great to have you here today. I wanted to just bring up today, the importance of tuning in to your own energy in order to make a decision.

When people are dealing with a lot of stress, and a lot of changes, and a lot of information that is coming at them from all over the place, what can happen over time is that they tend to numb out because it's just too much to take in. And then things in their life can be ignored can be dropped, or they start to protect themselves, they start to over protect themselves, they don't want to receive the information. And so there can be a defensiveness, and there can be just a place of such discomfort, because you're overwhelmed.

In order to really keep in with the flow of life, when you're dealing with stress is learning how to pause, really pause many, many times a day. And this is not just something that you do, once, it's a practice that you incorporate into your life with any decisions you make, or, and if you have too much information coming at you, you feel stressed, you feel overwhelmed. So a key is to stop wherever you are, like right now I'm in my car. Yeah. And I pulled over. And I'm going to breathe. And I'm just going to take a moment. And let's say that I'm thinking about a decision that I have to make, I'm going to pause and I'm going to breathe, and I'm going to breathe into my belly. And the thing with all of this is that it can take a while to actually get used to this. And so you want to give yourself time, don't get frustrated with yourself, if it's not instantaneous. But you want to breathe. And you want to just, you know, allow yourself to relax, you can even say, you know, as you inhale, you exhale, and you can say out loud or in your head let go, you know, just let your body go. And then when you're able to release a little bit, a little bit of tension, a little bit of you know, all that mental stuff, then you want to think about and feel, tune into the question that you're needing to find the answer to.

And as you tune into that question you're going to feel in your body, you're going to hear maybe an answer, you're going to see, you're going to know, what is the right answer for you.

And it may not make sense, it may not make sense to everybody else around you. It may not make you know, logical sense it you may not be able to describe it. But you'll know the right answer for you. You may be going against the crowd, maybe something totally different than other people will do. But you'll know. And all you need to do is figure out what's right for your path. You don't have to figure out anything else than that.
If everyone would take the time to tune in and figure out what's right for their path. The world would flow in such a different way. Because we would be tuning into ourselves, instead of looking at everything that's around us. And all the energy right is going out, out, out out, out and we're trying to make decisions out here. Instead of dropping into our heart, dropping into our soul dropping into what we know is right for us our true path.

So today's just a reminder to take as many times a day or at night that you need or want to tune into yourself and practice it. Now before you have to make a decision because then when you need to make a decision or you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed. You have a go to way to really not only relax yourself, but find the answers that you need. And know that your answers are good enough. It's your path, and you know what's best for you because you're amazing.

Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you in the next video. Have a great day, afternoon or evening whenever you're watching this bye for now.

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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.