You are more powerful than you know
Jul 04, 2022If you're tuning into the events of the world and the astrology of this time period you're most likely hearing the world "intensity" over and over...
A couple of weeks ago I shared a post: "Choosing to find the beauty in chaos is an important skill."
As a gentle reminder, although there may be quite a bit of intensity going on as we're all shifting and changing in so many ways...
What we focus on individually has incredible impact
How we feel about ourselves and how we choose to focus our thoughts is constantly impacting not only our individual life, but all of life.
Every single person's energy radiates out in ripples...
So if we're constantly hearing about the "issues," intensity or problems that are out in the world, we have to be mindful.
Energy flows where our thoughts go and if we're focusing on what we're hearing and seeing one TV (for example) that energy radiates out strengthening that energy.
But when we learn how to tune in, strengthen our personal energetic state of being and move into a state of energetic neutrality... We can easily refocus our mind and intuition, and elevate the energy of these situations to find resolution and healing.
Your mind, moves your Qi
Your mind moves your Qi (energy) and you are so much more powerful than you may realize.
Try this short exercise to see if you're able to experience a more grounded state of being...
- Make sure your pants, underwear, bra, etc are loose and comfy (not constricting your body).
- Sit or stand with your feet on the ground and elongate your spine (essential for proper breath and energy flow in your body).
- Take the focus of your mind and slide it down from your head, down the center of your body and into your lower belly.
- Place your hands on your lower belly and feel the warmth of your hands move into your belly.
- Create the intention that your belly is breathing you.
The more you practice this, the more you will discover that you have the ability to redirect your energy (Qi) when you wish and that your energy follows your thoughts and our personal thoughts always support our emotional state of being.
First step...
Learning how to tune into our own body is the first step and then we can easily expand that focus to support the events in our life.
It is so much fun to have control over how you feel and how you direct your energy flow.
Keep practicing and I hope to see you soon inside The Studio!
Be very well,
Dr. Maria
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